updated: 2022-02-25_10:58:15-05:00
- THE SHORT VERSION: Covers Chapters 1, 2, 3 (less emphasis on Ch. 1). If you've done it on a homework or seen it in a lecture example, it's fair game on the midterm.
- THE LONGER VERSION: IMPORTANT NOTE: This list may not be exhaustive. The exam will include ALL material that we have covered to date.
- Recurrence relations
- Proofs: direct proof, proof by contradiction, mathematical (weak) induction
- Calculate the processing speedup of one machine compared to another
- Explain the meaning of O, Ω, Θ and why they are useful and important in CS
- For some pair of functions f(n) and g(n), determine whether f(n) is in O(g(n)), f(n) is in Ω_(g(n)),_ or f(n)=Θ(g(n))__
- Determine Θ for code fragments
- Write an algorithm that improves on the efficiency (in time, space, or both) of a given algorithm
- Determine upper or lower bounds of an algorithm
- Discuss applying asymptotic analysis to problems
- Difference between bounds and cases